June 21st in General, Resources by Matt Pritchett .

HowTo’s “Getting You Through The Week” Links

So today marks the start of a new item that will be appearing on TheHowToFreelancer.  We know that Monday mornings are tough, that they suck, and they can be downright mean.  So here are a few links that could help you this week.  But that’s not all!  We want you to share your links with us in the comments!  Don’t get spammy, but show us your best work!

June 17th in General, Inspiration, Making Money by Matt Pritchett .

How The Beach Teaches Me Not To Worry

We’ve all been there.  Scared to death, wondering where the rent money is going to come from.  How will we pay for food?  Or maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum.  How will I get all these projects done?  Can I slow down without losing my momentum?  These are very real and very scary questions, and here’s how being at the beach (I’m on vacation) helped me answer them.

June 15th in How-To, Making Money by Matt Pritchett .

How I “Deal” With Awesome Clients

We all deal with terrible clients from time to time.  Those clients that make us want to scream, give up, pull your hair out, and throw your stylus against the wall.  I recently wrote a post on how to deal with these troublesome clients.  But we often forget that we also have clients that give us great boosts in passion, courage, and yes, even income!  Here are a few ways that I “deal” with those clients:

June 9th in General, Networking by Matt Pritchett .

I love the iPad and I’m not leaving Facebook

With thousands “quitting” Facebook as a protest, and techies from every country decrying the iPad as a toy worth nothing, it’s not popular these days to post on why you should have an iPad and why Facebook isn’t the devil.  But I am.

May 31st in How-To by Matt Pritchett .

How I Deal With Terrible Clients

We’ve all been there, right?  The clients who want to not just creep on the project scope, but do the long jump.  Or maybe it’s the client who loves the pitch but then cancels on you because his girlfriend thought it needed more pink.  No matter what your freelance niche, we all deal with terrible clients from time-to-time.  Here’s how to use them to your benefit:

May 18th in Resources by Matt Pritchett .

50 Great Church Websites

Church websites have, in the past, been horrible examples of validation and integration.  They had terrible color schemes, font, and were only viewable in IE.  But no more.  A new generation of church websites is being born, and many are being brought into life by the ranks of talented freelancers in the local community.  So take a look at these, and perhaps go talk to a local church about improving their online presence!

May 14th in General by Matt Pritchett .

The Get Up And Go Challenge

What time do you get up?  No, really?  If you are anything like me, it was being “awake” at 8 or 9 am.  But being “up,” productive, and profitable was a whole different story.  So I’m proposing a challenge.  

May 12th in Nonprofits by Matt Pritchett .

3 Reasons Why I Love Working With Nonprofits

Earlier this week, I posted an article with 3 Reasons Why I Hate Working With Nonprofits.  Now, for those of you who read that article (which I recommend!), I don’t hate nonprofits.  I really don’t hate working with nonprofits (most of the time), I simply don’t like some aspects of the process.  Truth be told, I love working with nonprofits.  I could come up with way more than 3 reasons that I love to.  But for the purposes of this …

May 11th in Productivity by Matt Pritchett .

Why Distractions Aren’t Your Enemy

The title of this post will leave many confused and questioning my sanity, especially those from the freelancing world.  But, it is actually a simple truth that helps me increase my productivity and money making ability every single day.  The simplicity of it will make you wonder why you never thought of this yourself.

May 10th in Making Money by Matt Pritchett .

3 Reasons Reasons Why I Hate Working With Nonprofits

I hate working nonprofits.  I do.  But I also love them.  Nonprofits are my icing on the cake.  They are literally my bread and butter.  I love working with them.  I love it so much that I made a list of principles for working nonprofits.  But, even when I love it, I also hate it.  Here are a few reasons why, and how you can overcome them:

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